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Holy Guacamole

Holy Guacamole


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Regular price £12.99
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Have you ever felt on the edge, alone, down and out,
or maybe wondered what in the world God can do with someone like you?

Sometimes you wake up feeling less than great about your life. Or your relationships. Or your job. Or your whatever.

Sometimes you even feel pushed to the side, put on the shelf, overlooked, and not particularly important to, well, anything.

Sometimes, you feel even less important. . .than a side of rice and beans. (You know, kind of like that stuff served on the side that no one really asked for?)

What if you found out you were something more like tableside guacamole—that fancy kind they wheel up to the table and make right on the spot?

What if you were made on purpose,
for a purpose that can release God's glorious colors and flavors in the world?

You didn't arrive here by accident, nor have you been served up as an unwanted side dish. The God of creation has created you, and He isn't waiting for you to become some better version of yourself so He can finally love you. . .or use you. . .or delight in you.

Generously seasoned with humor and empathy, with stories of triumph, failure, heartbreak, and redemption, Holy Guacamole will connect your heart to the unchanging truths of God's Word and the unfailing power of God's call to live a life full of His love for you and for the world.

God longs to reveal to you all the ways you are His beautiful, flavorful, colorful creation. Let Him show you all the ways you are Holy Guacamole—His masterpiece, His signature offering to a world in need of His love.

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